This course focuses on the use of microeconomic theory and analysis to better understand problems and issues faced by firms. Topics include consumer and demand theory, cost minimization, pricing decisions under differing levels of competition, and strategy development. 08/29/2024-10/10/2024 Lecture Tuesday, Thursday 09:00AM - 10:30AM, Day Hall, Room 301
The focus of the course is on the decision making of individual agents within an economy, and how the interactions of these agents within markets of varying degree of competition lead to the allocation of resources, production levels of goods and services, and the distribution of the generated output within the economy. Microeconomic theory is utilized to analyze causes of and potential solutions to market failure and issues raised by uncertainty and risk. 08/28/2024-12/09/2024 Lecture Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12:00PM - 12:50PM, Day Hall, Room 305