An individual program of reading and research directed by a member of the program faculty and approved by the Curriculum Committee of the university. Dec 13 2021 4:17 PM mnicholson. 08/27/2024-12/10/2024 Independent Study Days to be Announced, Times to be Announced, Room to be Announced
In this course students read and investigate the philosophers of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds: Thales, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and the Stoics, and others, discovering the roots of the western intellectual tradition. 08/27/2024-12/10/2024 Lecture Tuesday, Thursday 09:30AM - 10:45AM, Day Hall, Room 201
An introduction to Philosophy and Philosophical Studies. Students investigate the meaning of life, death, reality, knowledge, the self, gender, and other important philosophical topics, reading philosophers from around the world, male and female, who write in a variety of styles. Women's Studies Adaptable. Fulfills Humanities requirement of the Foundations and Perspectives general education curriculum. 08/28/2024-12/09/2024 Lecture Monday, Wednesday, Friday 08:00AM - 08:50AM, Day Hall, Room 202
This course trains students to craft compelling, publicly accessible arguments on how to solve pressing contemporary challenges in ethical ways. It also introduces students to the basic practices of professional comportment. The course will culminate in participation in the NCICU Ethics Bowl Feb 7-8 2025 in Raleigh, NC.