Designed to summarize and synthesize student learning in the major field. The course includes investigation, discussion, and the presentation of a thesis involving an issue of importance to the student and to the discipline. Prerequisites: Senior standing or permission of the instructor. Corequisites: Previous completion of or current enrollment in courses in political science sufficient to complete all requirements for the minor in the discipline. Fulfills a general education practicum requirement. 08/27/2024-12/10/2024 Lecture Tuesday 03:00PM - 05:30PM, Day Hall, Room 202
This course explores the part that states play in our federal system of government. Topics covered include structural and cultural differences between the states, the role of states as implementers of national policy, the opportunities for policy development enjoyed by the states, the unique challenges faced by the state government, and the development of federalism over time. Offered every two years. 08/28/2024-12/09/2024 Lecture Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12:00PM - 12:50PM, Room to be Announced
This course introduces students to the study of international politics, institutions, economic development, conflicts, and opportunities for a better world. This course is "issue focused", meaning, students will study prior events and prcesses to gain an understanding of larger concepts that can be used to analyze future events and processes. Social Scientific Perspective. 08/27/2024-12/10/2024 Lecture Tuesday, Thursday 12:00PM - 01:15PM, Day Hall, Room 202
Basic concepts and analytical techniques. Political science applied to American federal government: power, institutions, socialization, communication, policy-making, and legitimacy. Fulfills Social Scientific requirement of the Foundations and Perspectives general education curriculum. 08/28/2024-12/09/2024 Lecture Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00AM - 10:50AM, Room to be Announced