An overview of the field of forensic psychology focused on the interaction between the psychological and legal professions. Psychological issues underlying criminal behavior will be emphasized. The course will also address the use of psychology in civil and criminal court proceedings as well as in criminal investigations. Prerequisite: PSY 111 or SOC 111. Offered: Odd Year Fall. Fulfills: Elective option for Psychology Major. 08/27/2024-10/11/2024 Online Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedOnline, Room 100
An introduction to statistical analysis, including descriptive statistics, probability, distributions, sampling theory, statistical inference, and regression and correlation analysis. Prerequisites: PSY 111, MTH 107 or equivalent. Offered fall/spring. Required for Psychology Major & Art Therapy Major. 09/02/2024-10/07/2024 Online Monday 05:00PM - 07:00PM, Online, Room 100
A comprehensive survey across the entire human lifespan (conception to death) will examine an individual's social, cognitive and physical development. Psychological and biological factors of the individual are examined within the context of cross-cultural comparisons with a special emphasis on applying developmental psychology principles in everyday life. Prerequisite: PSY 111. 08/27/2024-10/11/2024 Online Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedOnline, Room 100
A survey course designed to introduce students to the field of contemporary psychology, including the principles and perspectives of biological, behavioral, cognitive, socio-cultural, developmental, and clinical approaches. Fulfills Social Scientific requirement of the Foundations and Perspectives general education curriculum. Required for Psychology and Art therapy Major. 08/27/2024-12/10/2024 Lecture Tuesday, Thursday 09:30AM - 10:45AM, Room to be Announced
Designed to summarize and synthesize students' study in the field and to give them the opportunity to investigate, discuss and write a thesis on a key issue. Prerequisites: Senior standing or permission of instructor; PSY 225, and one course from each of the subgroups A-D. Offered: Fall. Fulfills: General Education Practicum; Required for Psychology Major & Art Therapy Major. 08/28/2024-12/09/2024 Lecture Monday, Wednesday, Friday 09:00AM - 09:50AM, Day Hall, Room 206
Students will complete a 90-hour fieldwork placement with a community agency involved in social services (e.g.,group homes, mental health centers, at-risk prevention programs, schools, hospitals). The course also involves discussion of fieldwork, focus on current issues in the practice of psychology, and professional skills. Prerequisites: PSY 111. Offered: Fall and Spring. Fulfills: Elective option for Psychology Major, Option for Art Therapy Major. 08/29/2024-12/05/2024 Online Thursday 12:00PM - 01:15PM, Day Hall, Room 206
An overview of the different theories and techniques of therapy and counseling that work towards the opening of psychic possibilities and the alleviation of human suffering. An examinationof the different approaches' models of personality development, etiology of psychopathology, and conceptions and tools of healing. The approaches include psychoanalytic, psychodynamic,existential-phenomenological, interpersonal-humanistic, cognitive, behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, eastern psychology, multicultural counseling, and group therapy including family therapy. Prerequisites: PSY 111. Offered: Fall. Fulfills: Group A option for Psychology Major, Required for Art Therapy Major. 08/28/2024-12/09/2024 Lecture Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:00AM - 11:50AM, Room to be Announced
This course introduces scholarly debates about gender and sexual identities. We examine how people experience gender - what it means to be a man or a woman - and sexuality in a variety of historical and cultural contexts. The course is a combination of discussions, debates, and research regarding gender and sexuality from physiological, psychological, and sociological perspectives. Prerequisite: PSY 111. Offered in odd-numbered years, fall. Fulfills: Group B option for Psychology Major. 08/28/2024-12/09/2024 Lecture Monday, Wednesday, Friday 01:00PM - 01:50PM, Room to be Announced
The focus of this course is on social, cognitive, and physical development, from the onset of puberty through late adulthood. The impact of both psychological and biological factors on the individual are investigated. Crosscultural comparisons of adolescent and adult development will be integrated throughout the course. Additionally, this course will explore the topics of death and dying. Prerequisite: PSY 111. Offered fall and spring. Fulfills: Group C option for Psychology Major, Option for Art Therapy Major. 08/27/2024-12/10/2024 Lecture Tuesday, Thursday 01:30PM - 02:45PM, Room to be Announced
This course is an applied introduction to the skills and methods used to conduct social science research. Students will learn the basic principles of research methodology including study design, data collection, statistical analysis, and report writing. As a result of this course, students will be able to critique existing research designs, propose alternatives to poor research designs, and create new research designs. They will gain those skills through homework assignments, quizzes, and research report writing. Class time will be devoted to discussion of assigned reading, homework, and individual and group project work. Prerequisite: PSY 220. Offered fall/spring. Required for Psychology Major & Art Therapy Major. 08/28/2024-12/09/2024 Lecture Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00AM - 10:50AM, Day Hall, Room 205
This course is designed to give a working understanding of the principles of art therapy, including history, theory and practice, current trends, as well as exposure to different settings and populations. By the end of this course, each student should understand how art therapy is similar to and different from other types of psychological counseling. They should also have a working understanding of how to use their art skills within typical art therapy scenarios. Prerequisite: None. Offered fall. Required for Art Therapy Major. 08/28/2024-12/04/2024 Lecture Wednesday 03:00PM - 05:50PM, Room to be Announced
A survey course designed to introduce students to the field of contemporary psychology, including the principles and perspectives of biological, behavioral, cognitive, socio-cultural, developmental, and clinical approaches. Fulfills Social Scientific requirement of the Foundations and Perspectives general education curriculum. Required for Psychology and Art therapy Major. 08/28/2024-12/09/2024 Lecture Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:00AM - 10:50AM, Room to be Announced
A survey course designed to introduce students to the field of contemporary psychology, including the principles and perspectives of biological, behavioral, cognitive, socio-cultural, developmental, and clinical approaches. Fulfills Social Scientific requirement of the Foundations and Perspectives general education curriculum. Required for Psychology and Art therapy Major. 08/28/2024-12/09/2024 Lecture Monday, Wednesday, Friday 09:00AM - 09:50AM, Room to be Announced