Supervised readings in social work. Credit awarded upon satisfactory completion of an exit project. Prerequisite: SW 215. 08/27/2024-12/10/2024 Online Days to be Announced, Times to be AnnouncedOnline, Room 100
This course highlights the field of child welfare practice and the associated laws, policies and responsibilities that help prepare social work students for employment in child welfare positions with county Departments of Social Services. A historical, legal and practice framework assists students in exploring topics such as child maltreatment, assessment and intervention skills, and family-centered practice. Prerequisite: SW 215. Fall. 09/02/2024-12/09/2024 Semi-Online Monday 06:00PM - 09:00PM, Day Hall, Room 205
Evidence Based Social Work Practice (EBSWP) is a systematic approach to making decisions that emphasizes (1) formulating answerable questions, (2) locating, critically appraising and interpreting the relevant research evidence, (3) applying best available evidence in consultation with clients, and (4) evaluating and intervention. Using a problem-based learning model, students evaluate and interpret the best available evidence relating to a number of social work policy and practice questions. The methods and techniques used in social work research including research design, data collection methods, basic analytic techniques and theoretical orientations underlying them will be explored. 09/02/2024-12/09/2024 Online Monday 06:00PM - 09:00PM, Online, Room 100